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Sell carbon credits

Generate and sell high-quality carbon credits from your forest

If you own forest in Estonia, Finland or Sweden, you may be eligible to generate high-quality carbon credits from your forest by transitioning to Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF).

A permanent transitioning increases both above-ground and below-ground carbon, without significant loss of timber revenue.

Additionality, no leakage

The transitioning costs are offset by the sale on the voluntary carbon market of the extra carbon retained by your forest. In this way there is additionality (the transition would not happen without the carbon market), but no leakage (when loss of timber just leads to the logging moving elsewhere). These are the hallmarks of a high-quality carbon credit system.

Interested in learning more? Drop us a line at giving your contact details and some basic information about your forest holdings. We'll be in touch promptly to discuss options with you.

Join the Close-to-Nature forest certification system based on non-clearcut forestry

Innofor has partnered with Estonian, Finnish, and Swedish experts to produce the world's first wildlife and carbon enhancing forestry certification standard.

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