Why is quality carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation action important for your business?
Forests hold 80% of the world's biodiversity, and store vast amounts of carbon above and below ground. The big picture for forest conservation should therefore be a lot better than currently is the case. Despite numerous accords across nations, and various systems of certification, forest biodiversity and carbon is being lost at a high rate.
Fortunately there are alternatives - and very good ones - but making them mainstream requires the support of enlightened timber buyers and other supporting companies. It is possible to combine economical forest management with growing mixed stands of native species without clearcutting - this is called Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF).
Good for climate and business
In the process, using Innofor's certified advanced forestry skills, you can sequester more carbon and greatly enhance biodiversity protection. At that point CCF has become a system of Close-to-Nature forest management.
Support that, as well as full protection for forests of high conservation value, and you are not just buying timber or mitigating biodiversity loss - you are working for the good of local people, for your clients, for your staff - for us all.
Click on the links below to learn more about how all businesses can help protect forests and buy quality carbon credits.
Buy high-quality carbon credits to offset your emissions
Innofor guarantees forest-based carbon offsets that are additional, without leakage and long-term.
High-quality biodiversity credits to offset deforestation and your use of natural resources
We will give you an estimate of the natural resources you used to obtain them. This is translated into an estimate for the amount of forest you need to offset to mitigate your resource use. The key is protection allied to non-clearcut forestry.
How to make the importance of your biodiversity and carbon offset investments tangible to your clients and the general public?
When your business invests in carbon and wildlife offsets, it takes a significant leap in leadership. That is something your clients will appreciate – so let's make it something concrete to help understand its true importance.
Want to invest in buying forest?
Innofor specialises in purchasing and managing private forests at minimum costs to the investor.